Our Commitment


To embody Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Justice, and Accessibility (EDIJA)

To be informed.

Before even creating a project, a session, or beginning the process of consultation or collaboration, OIR commits to ensuring that the Truths & Questions that we govern ourselves upon have been processed and thoroughly attributed to the actions that follow.

To be authentic.

We make the effort to represent Black, Indigenous, and persons who identify as of Colour, members of our LGBTQ2SIA+ communities, and other individuals who are currently underrepresented in opera and are inauthentically represented throughout the opera sector.

To provide a safe space.

Creating a safe space means that we are open to criticism, reaching out for feedback, and staying up-to-date with current events to know how our space needs to adjust to ensure specific demographics are safe and acknowledged in troubling times.

To have integrity.

The need for greater attention to EDIJA comes from the historic barriers that prevent individuals from accessing opera. These barriers include race, ethnic background, sexuality, gender, religion, socioeconomic status, and geographical location.

Learn more about our Truths and Questions in our Statement on Equity